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Doc. Taťjana Pergler, Ph.D.

1. Slovanské gymnázium a jazyková škola s právem státní jazykové zkoušky

How long has your company been operating on the market?
The First Slavic High School has been operating for more than 10 years in Prague.

What are your prospects for development in the near future?
There are a lot of prospects for the development of our international program. First of all, we will expand and deepen the collaboration with those higher education institutions that have been working for more than one year. In recruiting potential students, we want to expand our geography. For example, we have 27 countries that are represented today, and to hear a mixture of foreign languages during the breaks in the corridors of the gymnasium is typical. We want to develop cooperation with international organizations in the framework of the practical training of students. To provide a wider range of services in our language school: courses for admission to universities in the Czech Republic, foreign language courses taught by native speakers, prep courses for taking the State Czech language exam, and much more.

I hope to one day be able to say that I implemented all of my ideas in the field of creating and evolving a wonderful educational institution that helps children achieve their cherished desires.

The secret of my success is very simple – the constant movement forward, every day, every moment.


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