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High-end luxury wooden handbags for women who rule the world

The VISTIER brand was established in the Czech Republic in 2015 by the young designer, Mihai Visternicean. With first-class technology and a respect for nature, VISTIER produces limited edition handmade leather handbags with wooden elements and an inner light. The handbags are not only an imposing fashion accessory, but also a practical “treasury” for all the personal items that a modern woman needs on a daily basis.


Mihai’s endless love for wood started at the age of 13 after visiting his father’s studio. He graduated in artistic wood carving and developed his skills as a furniture restorer. He created the first handbag as a birthday gift for his girlfriend. And a year later, the VISTIER company was founded and the Mihai’s handbag prototypes were presented at Czech Design Week.
Mihai Visternicean draws inspiration from his experiences with wood, so this natural material determines the shape of the final product. VISTIER handbags are made from top-quality materials more commonly used for manufacturing spaceships and in the aircraft industry. They are not only gorgeous, but also highly practical – there is a light sewn into each model to make looking for items in the handbag much easier and faster.
Just like those carrying them, VISTIER handbags are unique. Only a small number of each model are produced. The design is individual – you can choose the combination of leather and wood. That’s how you create your own, unique handbag that no other woman has.

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+ 420 774 977 552


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